6 Contemporary Living Room Design Ideas


Homeshabby.com -- Arranging the living room can be done in various styles, one of which uses a contemporary style that looks modern and charming. So, Homeshabby.com present reviews about 6 contemporary living room design ideas that you can make a design reference to you. 

Picture: @yuristrariris

The interior of the living room looks elegant with gold colors on some objects such as wall clocks and chandeliers. The arrangement of a sofa that does not touch the corner of the room also makes the room more filled. You can add vertical shelves to put decorations to make the living room more beautiful.

Picture: @rumahwanna

Contemporary living room design is not always with modern furniture, you can use rattan as living room furniture. Rattan can be used as material chairs, tables, and pots. Well decoration this house uses macrame crafts to look beautiful and aesthetic.

Picture: @nugrahawidi

In the small living room can be decorated in a simple but attractive style. A linear sofa equipped with foot stool can be a great choice for your petite living room. To impress cool, you can add houseplants in the corner of the room or put on a shelf of plants.

Picture: @ruangtamumungil

Moving on to the next contemporary living room design, this living room is said to be a petite living room but looks elegant with furniture and items that tend to be shiny. You can get around to make the room look elegant and luxurious by choosing the right material.

Picture: @vella_velz

Applying a harmonized color to a room does give a special impression on the house. Like the living room this one applies a brown color that combines with white looks soothing. Brown color is applied to sofas, doors, chairs and  wall decorations. To look natural in this room is also equipped with ornamental plants such a monstera, sanseviera, and bamboo palms.

Picture: @amaliahfaozi

In the last design reference, using contemporary style can be seen from the style furniture used, namely chairs and tables and wall decorations in the form of futuristic decorative mirrors that make the room  look more comfortable.

For those of you who wants a minimalist home design from simple to modern. Please leave your message and comments on facebook Home Design Picture.

Hopefully this article is useful for those of you design inspiration and house plans. Hopefully you will be easier in making a dream home. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family to be of benefit to others.

Author  : Lusiana 
Editor   : Munawaroh
Source : Various Sources

Homeshabby.com is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.