6 Luxurious Living Room Interior Design Ideas For Your Home


Homeshabby.com -- To create a special and luxurious impression in the residence you can indeed decorate with a variety of existing furniture. For example, like in the living room in the house that you can desgin with luxurious interiors but still look simple and make people feel comfortable. Spatial arrangement can be done carefully and appropriately to look neatly harmonious and luxurious as desired. 

Living room by : tytyarini

To bring a luxurious impression to the living room in the house, you can customize the characteristics of the decoration of the room. To look luxurious and more classy you can use sofa large enough with mirror decoration to add a spacious impression to this living room. In addition, you can also put a lamp with a yellow bulb in the corner of the room to make it feel warmer and romantic at night. 

Living room by : marissahandayanii

Luxury living room on the house does not mean it should be with a lot of interiors and impressed with the cool style, But as in the design of the living room if this house is quite simple with a neutral white looking interior as weel as a touch of blue in some elements. Although there is not to much furnitre placed in this living room, this area still feels luxurious in the way the owner designed it as best as possible.

Living room by : sarirochim

With a slick and simpel design, the living room in this house feels luxurious with exposed brick interiors as a way to provide natural looking decoration. To give the impression if spacious and more with the image, the owner put a mirror the is similar between the wall an the wood element feels more natural. Similarly, chairs that use wooden frames increasingly feel natural.

Living room by : novita_ken_suwarno

The decor of the living room in this house looks luxurious with neturral elements colored cream looks harmonious among other interiors. The size of the space that is elongated and appears to open from the air vents at the end of this gives a fresh air more felt. The lamp in the middle of this space gives a luxurious in the space dominantly.

Living room by : grey_home

This living room looks warm from the use of downlights that provide brighter lighting. In addition, it is also clearly visible from the selection of sofas that look a little more colorful with blue elements that match between the pillows and a little part on the carpet underneath. Wallpapper in this living room is also disingushed between end to end to give the impression of more luxurious decorative and aesthetic.

Living room by : boem.mimi

The visible of this living room feels more homey yet luxurious with some collections in the walls more aesthetically pleasing. The tabble in the middle of this room looks like a birdcage with wood materials increasingly natural and enviromentally friendly between the floors of vynil. Similarly, the furniture used to put dwarrf plants in the living rooms is more beautiful and shooting.

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Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are looking for inspiration for design and house plans. Hopefully your sustenance will be facilitated in building your deream house.

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Author    : Lynda
Editor     : Munawaroh
Source    : Various Sources

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