Small TV Rooms That Balance Style With Functionality

Small TV Rooms That Balance Style With Functionality -Function of television is not just entertainment but also you can use it to be part of the architecture of space. With the right setup then your television room can be more compatible and not take up much place. 

Although with the size of your house or apartment, the telly can also be utilized as a partition that separates the two spaces according to their functions, like living room and bedroom. Like the above example you can apply so it will not take a lot of places. 

You can put some wall hangings so that a wide and boring television look can be something unique. Combine some hanging ornaments such as photo frames, wall clocks, with your television screen.

You can put the telly in a hidden area for example under the stairs so it does not take up a lot of places and make use of the area in the house. 

You can also hang the telly on top so that it makes getting neat and loose. You can add wall clock above it. so it can utilize the empty place. 

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